The essential summer products / Τα απαραίτητα καλοκαιρινά προιόντα
Summer is right here. The sun, the beach, pools are now our every day schedule. The heat and the high temperatures make some summer products essential. So here we will find these products that we absolutely need in the summer. So let's start...read more
Spring is a beautiful time of the year. We start wearing less clothes, we add some colour on our outfits and we feel that summer is right around the corner. Every season has it's clothes and it's fashion trends but what about make-up? When I go for a coffee on evening, or when i have something to do in the morning i prefer to wear something more simple and easy. So let me talk you about my spring make up...read more
4 beauty tips / 4 συμβουλές ομορφιάς
Let's start this month with beauty, fashion and excitement!! I see that you like my tips so i thought to write some other tips AND OF COURSE to tell me yours. When i read a tip, i try it and it's working then I feel like I have invented something new. So I want to hear more
tips and to make you feel this way about my tips if these are userful. Let's start...read more

4 hair tips / 4 συμβουλές για τα μαλλιά
Let's start with this. I really love my hair. They have some naturally waves. Of course not those that Victoria secret angels have but some really cute waves (if you want to have the VS waves click here). When i go out sometimes i just make a ponytail or nothing if they are in a good "waves shape". I have never coloured them so they are not damaged and i try to cut them every three to four months. But sometimes hair need more. So here are 4 tips to have beautiful, healthy hair...read more
What I am doing every Sunday / Τι κάνω κάθε Κυριακή
Sunday is the end of a week and a beginning for a new one. So when Sunday comes I want to relax, to clear my mind,to take care of myself and get ready for the new week. I will tell you what Ι am doing and how you can achieve all of these.For me this is like a therapy for my body, like yoga when you have anxiety. You can bring your friends too...read more
My hair care routine / Η περιποίηση των μαλλιών μου
It's time to add in my "my routine" series my hair care routine. Althought it's really essential to use the right products for your hair type, I will tell you what to use generally no matter what your type is. For your information I have brown, long hair, I have never coloured them and I use a lot (really a lot) of heat to them. So let's start...read more
Victoria Secret's Angels secret's /Τα μυστικά των αγγέλων της Victoria Secret
Since you liked a lot the How to have the Victoria Secret's hair we thought that you might also want to know the secrets,the tips and everything that the Victoria secret models have ever told us...read more
How to have the Victoria Secret's hair / Πως να αποκτήσετε τα μαλλιά των αγγέλων της Victoria Secret

With the show just around the corner and us searching anywhere to find a secret from the angels, we would do anything to be like them. Althought we know that it's not really that glamorous behind the show, we also know that their hair are perfect. So we have sumed up all the tips that they have ever told about hair. Let's see them...read more
My skincare routine / Η περιποίηση του δέρματος μου
Many times we want to know which creams should we use to take the best out of our skin. With my routine i think that i take the best of it. So i wanted to share it with you. I don't tell you specific the companies because i don't want to tell you a product that won't work with your skin. Also i am the kind of woman that doesn't put on a lot of masks because i think the less the better. Feel free to ask me any question you want in the comments or send it via email (ladyhiveblog@gmail.com)...read more
4 more beauty tips/ 4 ακόμα συμβουλές ομορφιάς

Welcome to the "4 beauty tips 2"! Because we saw that you liked the last one (if you want to read it click here) we wanted to do another one. We want you to know that we follow all these tips and they have helped us a lot and we suggest you to follow them too.So enjoy and keep reading....read more
4 beauty tips / 4 συμβουλές ομορφιάς
We all love these little tips that can transform us into the most beautiful women in the world for us and for those that we love.We are reading all the interviews from models in order to hear one little secret! These are like a beauty school that we want to get a straight A. If you want to know about red lipsticks, conditioners, bronze keep reading!...read more
My everyday make-up routine / To καθημερινό μακιγιάζ μου
Today i wanted to tell you what my everyday make-up routine is.Althought it's not something really diffucult, I think that my make-up routine is a very good choice for every occasion. For 9 to 5,for school, for college etc..I will give you my general routine and you can fix it in your own routine and add or remove something that you like or don't like. So let's start!..read more
Nails colours for autumn/winter / Χρώματα νυχιών για το φθινόπωρο/χειμώνα
The autumn is right around the corner, the first rain came and now we are going for the halloween. As the summer passes out our nail colours start to change too. These yellow, pink, orange colours don't match with the sweaters. But now we will find out which are the perfect colours for this clothes and weather!!...read more
Which is the right make-up for our blue eyes? / Πως τονίζουμε τα μπλε μάτια;
And here is the last blog about the right make-up for our eyes. Today's colour are the blue eyes.They fit better with the blonde ones and for many experts those that have blue eyes are very smart! Sowhich is the right make-up for the blue eyes?..read more
Which is the right make-up for our green eyes? / Πώς τονίζουμε τα πράσινα μάτια;
Today we will write about the green eyes...read more
Which is the right make-up for our brown eyes? / Πως τονίζουμε τα καστανά μάτια;
Make-up is very important because it covers pimples and makes women feel more confident with themselves. The make-up thought doesn't depend on our clothes but on our eye colour. So there is a different make-up for our brown, green and blue eyes. Today we will start with the brown eyes, which are the most usual...read more
Taking care your sunburnt skin / Πως αντιμετωπίζετε το κάψιμο
These days were very hot in Athens and all of us went one day to the beach. The beach was beautiful, the water wasn't cold so we got a very good time. The bad thing is that most of the times,when you return home you realize that you are sunburned...read more
What are we taking in the gym,in the office and in our go out? / Τι παίρνουμε στο γυμναστήριο, στο γραφείο ή στην έξοδο μας;
We need different products for the office, for the gum and for our go out. So we need to know which products do we use in every occasion...read more
How can we make lipstick last longer / Πως θα κρατήσει το κραγιόν για περισσότερη ώρα
Everytime we go out we have a problem. Our lipstick after two hours or less if we ate or drunk something is disappeard and it seems like we haven't applied lipstick. The usual answer in this question is to buy better lipstick. Although we have some extra tips to make lipsticks last longer...read more
Perfect skin for the face / Τέλειο δέρμα στο πρόσωπο
Every time that we see models without make-up we are wondered what are they doing and they have so perfect and clean skin. The answers are here my friends...read more
What should a woman's bag have / Τι πρέπει να έχει μία γυναικεία τσάντα
After many videos on youtube that i have seen, i decided to write what's in my bag...read more